Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3rd 2015

We motored all day yesterday - there is NO wind in Greenland - to get to Sisimiut. Not a really eventful sail, saw a few whales and on getting closer to Sisimiut there were locals out in there boats shooting seal.
We have to report every 24hours to Greenland's Coastal Control of position, speed, ETA etc. I was late once and an hour later they were calling us on the radio, since then I've been sending a morning and evening report incase I forget one or the other. We pulled into Sisimiut last night at 11:30pm and rafted up against some boats, we were the 6th boat across. So I thought that I could wait until the morning to give them the report seeing that I had sent out the last one just over 12hours before. Was I wrong. At 2am the police came knocking on our hull making sure we were ok because we had failed to check in at midnight. Yikes!! To start of I was soo tired because we didn't' get to bed until midnight now I had to sit up and write a report. Grrr! I won't make that mistake again. The police were very nice about it even having to board 5 other boats just to get to us. When in Greenland make sure you follow their reporting system or they'll come a knockin'!

Tonight we're going up to the Seamans Hotel for some internet and dinner at their cafeteria, I can almost taste the wifi.

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